Kamis, 05 Januari 2017

Definition of Atomic

The term atom comes from Greek, there is atomos which means it can't be cut up. The definition of atoms first from Greece is by Leucippus and Democritus at the beginning of the year 500SM - 400SM that any material can be for to the smallest (atomic).

And the definition of an atom, according to the chemical class X is particles that make up the smallest of all the items that can not be divided.

The definition of an atom the second by Aristoteles in the 384SM and 332SM that atoms is the material can be divided over and over again into smaller portions.

We may still be confused with atoms in fact, then we should look first of the discovery of an atom. An atom is divided into 4, namely :
1. The Atomic Theory of Dalton (John Dalton).
2. The Atomic Theory of Thompson (J.J Thompson).
3. The Atomic Theory of Rutherford (Ernest Rutherford).
4. The Atomic Theory of Bohr (Niels Bohr).

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